DAV Public School CRRC,Medical Road,Gaya

Affiliated to C.B.S.E, New Delhi.

Rules of School and Important Circulars  

Important Circulars for Students and Parents 

1. School Time table wef 24-06-2024 

2. School Transport Route Chart wef 24-06-2024

Guidelines For Students

1.    All the students must posses the school diary, identity card, Bus-Pass, Text-Books, Stationary etc. Students are advised not to bring any valuable articles including mobile or any other electronic gadgets.

2.    The school will not be responsible for any such loss. School bus users must strictly observe the rules of the school transport.

3.    Application for leave of absence must be submitted a day in advance. It should be countersigned by the parent/ guardian.

4.    Student must come to the school in neat, clean and in proper uniform.

5.    Latecomer will not be allowed to enter the campus. 75% attendance is a must to appear in the final examination.

6.    No student is allowed to leave the school during working hours unless the parent/ guardian (whose signatures are endorsed on the admission form and the school diary) comes  to the school to accompany the child.

7.    Students should be regular in attendance.

8.    Any damage to the school property caused by the student will have to be borne by the student’s parents/ guardians.

9.    Students must not involve themselves in any anti-social activities which is detrimental to the progress of the school.

10.    The school reserves the right to take stern action against the students who are found guilty of any misconduct. This may amount to even striking their names off the school rolls.

Guidelines For Parents/ Guardians

  •     Use the school diary as a means of communication with the Class/Teacher / Principal and regularly check the school diary for homework and the teacher’s remarks, if any.
  •     See that your ward has all the text books, items of stationary, craft materials etc. right in the beginning of the session.
  •    Ensure that all the books and notebooks are covered with the brown paper.
  •     Send the children regularly and punctually to school. No absence will be permitted without a leave application and late comers will not be allowed to sit in the class.
  •     Both the parents must attend the parent-Teacher meet.
  •     Pay the fees as per scheduled mention in the Fee-card.
  •     Intimate the school in case of change in address, telephone number.
  •     Do not send the child to school in case of an infectious diseases. Kindly produce medical certificate at the time of rejoining the school.
  •     Parents/ Guardians should not visit the teachers at their residence.
  •     Do not send money or valuable articles with the students. The school owes no responsibility, if they are lost.
  •     The students who damage the school property will have to pay for the loss.
  •     Guardians/ Parents  must respond to any communication made to them by the principal/ class teacher /subject teacher, at the earliest.
  •     No student will be allowed to come to school by any private or hired  vechicle or bike.
  •     Students must be directed by their parents to maintain cordial relation with their class-mates and pay respect to Teachers , Non- teaching staff and senior students.
Contact Us ↓

D.A.V. Public School.  Gaya
College Road, Rotary Campus Medical Road
Gaya, Bihar 823004.
Phone :- 9572543194, 7909005636
E-Mail :- davcrrcgaya@gmail.com

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